HIT120.ZIP 9,567 06-18-94 Microsoft SmartDrive(tm) Disk Cache PerformanEvaluator Version 1.20 - Gives a percentage ohit to misses for the Smartdrive Disk Cacheincluded with DOS 6.0. Supports Windows 3.1Smartdrive as well.
HITS62.ZIP 36,232 01-18-94 Hits62 - measures the success rate of theSmartDrive disk caching software from thecommand line. Requires DOS 6.2 and SmartDrive5.0.
JPRDY102.ZIP 85,117 02-03-94 Jeopardy Detector, v 1.02 and BenchPCK, v1.50. Jeopardy Detector: A diagnostic programwhich monitors disk caches for periods whenthe disk structure is in jeopardy. If a crashoccurs during these jeopardy periods,
MAXOVER.ZIP 123,909 02-17-94 Maximum Overdrive 1.0 Drive Accelerator ForIde Drives
NETCD.ZIP 284,209 03-01-94 CacheAll(TM) v1.2 Vendor Direct Eval -Technology independent cache, caches CD-ROMs,Network drives, Opticals, ... When run onworkstation reduces network traffic & serverloading, Artisoft LANtastic & Netware
RKT_TST2.ZIP 45,060 02-03-94 Drive Rocket Tester 1.03: Data AcceleratorTest Program
SDFLUSH.ZIP 3,871 12-16-93 SDFLUSH V1.0 - Flush SMARTDRV delayed writecaches buffer on return to 4DOS prompt.
SK470S.ZIP 335,025 10-18-94 SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.70 Containsthe shareware versions of the world famousHyperDisk, HyperKey, and HyperScreenUtilities. Two new utilities are included:HyperRAM for CPU speedup and IDE Booster for